What We Do/Storyboards etc.

Custom Stories
Graphic Novels
Various Genre:
Fantasy, Action, Mystery, Music, Western, Sports, and more...
Total Thought Enterprises' TTE/Fantasy Ink is the home of a unique hand crafted story and arts company dedicated to promoting success.
Working with in-house and associated artists TTE/Fantasy Ink offers business logos, personal and public murals, seasonal as well as specialty coloring and puzzle books, comic strip art, graphic novels, personal or advertising novelties and merchandise.
Fantasy Ink’s senior artist has over 50 years experience in logo, novelty, and mural artwork throughout the United States and Mexico accumulating an inventory of over 150 storyboards and other customized artworks.
TTE's Manuscript and Storyboard creation and existing story lines suitable for movie scripting and storyboards are available.
There is a selection of Graphic Novels available as well as personalized illustrated stories from you RPG or other needs.
Aspiring authors requesting critique, editing, ghost writing, and other needs are encouraged to contact TTE's creative writing department.